Metrics That Matter: How to Optimize Banking Risks and KRIs In the Next Normal
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Home / White Papers / Metrics That Matter: How to Optimize Banking Risks and KRIs In the Next Normal
How Risk Managers are Ensuring Success by Choosing the Right Risks and Metrics
The United States continues to experience widespread physical and economic disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic, when government-mandated shutdowns were new, many people hoped for the physical and financial impacts to last a few weeks, rather than months before returning to “normal”.
However, both the extent of the pandemic and the resulting limits to daily and commercial life have led many to wonder if we will return to familiar normalcy, or – of not – what the “next normal” looks like.
As the world adjusts to the next normal, CROs, CCOs, executive leadership and boards of directors are navigating operational and emerging risks while reprioritizing their efforts based on the daily influx of new information.

Download This Guide to Learn:
- Survey results of bankers’ top risk and KRI categories from April, 2020 and June, 2020 surveys
- Top upcoming challenges for risk and compliance leaders from a June, 2020 survey
- Insight into how banks, credit unions and financial services organizations can leverage technology and data to gain more rapid and accurate insight into emerging risks that require mitigation as well as opportunities for growth.
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