Live Debut! Predict360 Vendor & Third-Party Risk Management App
Complimentary Webinar
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Home / Webinars / Live Debut! Predict360 Vendor & Third-Party Risk Management App
Webinar Overview:
360factors is excited to share that our new Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management application is now live! The solution enables organizations to collect, manage and track vendor and third-party risks, report on related activities and tasks, and associate vendors with risks, controls, issues, complaints, and more under one platform.
Looking to upgrade your organization’s VRM/TPRM program in 2023 but don’t know where to start? Join 360factors Event on LinkedIn for a live stream event showcasing the new Predict360 VRM application on December 15th from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM Central Time.
Robert Berger, Senior Vice President at 360factors and Dan Schmith, Senior CX Program Manager at 360factors, will demonstrate the solution, answer your questions, and provide helpful, real-world tips for technology readiness and evaluation.
Key Takeaways:
- Learn how VRM/TPRM fits into an overall regulatory risk and compliance technology framework
- See a live demo of Predict360’s Vendor and Third-Party Risk Management solution
- Come away with technology-agnostic tips to help answer the “when is the right time?” and “how do I evaluate technology?” questions.
Chief Risk Officer (CRO), Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), Risk EVP/VP, Compliance EVP/VP, Risk Director, Compliance Director, Vendor Risk, Vendor Compliance

Robert Berger
Senior Vice President of Sales