Home/ Blog / The Benefits of a SaaS-Based Solution
As we move deeper into the 21st century, more and more apps and solutions are switching from being hosted or on premise to SaaS-based. Based on data from Gartner and Global Industry Analysts Survey, by the year 2015, the cloud computing market will increase by 154 billion dollars. That would be a greater than 200 percent increase from the current market. Though it seems almost everybody is moving towards SaaS-based solutions, there are still some doubts and anxiety about the switch. There are many pros to a cloud or SaaS-based solution, including:
- Cost Savings
- Scalability
- Accessibility
- Upgradeability
- Resilience
Not only do SaaS solutions have money saving benefits, but you can easily add more users, access the solution with just an internet connection from anywhere, easily receive upgrades from the provider, and maintain all of your data even if something were to happen to the actual office or building. With all of these positive attributes, it is easy to understand why there is speculation that by the end of 2014, 25 percent or more of total enterprise IT workloads will be cloud-based. What do you think about this change and SaaS-based solutions?
Sources: Charles McLellan “Saas: Pros, cons, and leading vendors”; https://joshbersin.com/2009/08/29/how-saas-y-is-your-hr-software-vendor-what-does-saas-mean-to-you/; : https://www.information-management.com/issues/20_2/managing-cloud-growth-10017316-1.html

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