Home/ Blog / Enterprise Risk & Compliance Management – Get off the Edge
As the overall cost of storage and regulatory operations increase, many companies are searching for an integrative, cost-saving option. With multiple avenues for regulatory and compliance issues, executives and management often find themselves on the proverbial edge of panic while facing the overwhelming growth in their various industries. For on premise services, initial investment rates are high, with a substantial risk for elongated costs in the future. But, many companies are foregoing the traditional method of storage for a cloud-based solution, which provides a myriad of immediate benefits.
Besides the overall lower cost for services, and the lowered stress levels for management to have a third-party handle daily regulatory and compliance initiatives, cloud-based platforms offer a solution free of software licensing costs, infrastructure delegation, and time-management issues. With a highly-customizable cloud-based solution, companies can also manage their specific needs with regards to industry-specific regulations, compliance issues, and multiple contract and/or vendor systems.
360factors, Inc. is a cloud based Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management Technology Company. 360factors helps companies improve business performance by reducing risk and ensuring compliance. Its cloud-based Enterprise Risk and Compliance Management technology platform, Predict360, uses unique mapping and cognitive computing technologies to provide regulatory insight, predict risks and drive operational excellence.
Predict360 vertically integrates regulatory information, policies and procedures, risks and controls, audit and inspections, and on-line training in a single platform. Its user friendly interface and pre-configured content enable functional managers and staff to manage their day-to-day risk and compliance activities while providing executives visibility into the risk and compliance profile of all its businesses and assets.
Take a step away from the edge, take a few deep breaths, and move forward towards a next-generation solution.

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