Home/ Blog / 360factors at the Center for Offshore Safety: First Annual Forum
The Center is focused on promoting the highest levels of safety and environmental protection for offshore drilling, completions and production operations in deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The Forum is an excellent opportunity to gain an insight and understanding of the important work being undertaken by the Center for Offshore Safety.
360factors was present at the forum on 2013 on April 29-30 in Houston, Texas. Experts from the offshore energy industry around the world came together for the 2013 First Annual Forum.
Here is a picture of Ed Sattar, CEO 360factors with Charlie Wilson, Executive Director at COS.
Brady Austin, a former inspector for the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) and Webinar Presenter at 360factors for SEMSinar™ was also present at the conference.
If you are interested to learn from our key SEMS thought leaders and analysts about SEMS, 360factor invites you to join our upcoming Part 4 of 10 SEMSinar™ Series, Element 2 & 3 – Safety and Environmental Information/ Hazard Analysis.

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