Home/ Blog / Obama for 3000 new Regulations for 2016 – On top of 3300 issued in 2015
“I plan on doing everything I can with every minute of every day that I have left as president,”
Pres. Obama said at a December 2015 press conference.
According to Office of Management and Budget’s most-recent “Unified Agenda.” There are approximately 3,000 fresh regulations, on top of 3,378 final regulations issued by federal government in 2015.
It’s still not clear how businesses would respond as U.S. Chamber Senior Economist Ronald Bird wrote: “Every regulation must be examined individually to gauge its unique burdens,”
Some of the toughest ones out of 3378 regulations of 2015 are:
- <EPA’s Clean Power Plan
- Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)
- tougher ozone standards
- FCC’s net neutrality rule
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has taken toughest stance on fighting light pollution by imposing new methane and carbon rules on energy producers.
Two more regulations by the Labor Department which are costly in nature for 2016 are:
- limit retirement options for employees–especially those who work for small businesses
- Increasing the number of workers eligible for overtime–at a cost of $338.5 billion over the next ten years.
Besides these, there are several new rules to be imposed on healthcare, food, manufacturing, energy and other sectors.
Source: Sean Hackbarth, Senior Editor, Digital Content (US Chamber of Commerce)
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