Home/ Blog / Workplace Safety: 5 Reasons to have an Electronic JSA
A job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. In a JSA, each basic step of the job is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job. Automated, electronic Job Safety Assessment (JSA) forms are an important for many reasons.
These forms help ensure daily tasks are understood and completed; provide awareness regarding worker and site safety issues about hazards; processes, equipment, materials, and exposures that are related to specific job tasks for each daily task and project duration; and raise supervisory and staff level awareness of active work and surrounding areas.
- Regulatory Compliance – Many state OSHA programs and federal OSHA regulatory requirements call for a hazard analysis, which is an integral part of an injury illness and prevention program. To get into compliance quickly, prioritize developing JSAs by most hazardous job, jobs causing most injuries/near miss, jobs causing the most damage to equipment and products. Simple electronic versions are a great way to start as you add more complex information regard your hazards and processes.
- Communication – We are a global workforce and therefore we are managing hazardous processes in many different locations. To gain understanding of these hazardous processes that may be performed at multiple locations collaboration is a crucial requirement. Electronic versions of the JSA can be shared by multiple locations with the ability to get everyone on the same thought process. If a process varies at another location then the JSA can be customized for that particular hazard.
- Change Management – Updating a JSA is an important part of a good safety management program. Anytime there has been a near miss, an accident, or a new process the current JSA will need to be updated and shared with affected personnel. An annual review of an organization’s JSA is a good best practice. Electronic versions help to facilitate sharing of information and documenting crucial updates.
- Training – JSAs are a great way to deliver training to new hires who are most at risk of an accident in the first six months of employment. When you acquire new equipment or processes, an updated JSA is the most convenient method to analyze the new hazards and share updated protective measures with employees.
- Accessibility – There is nothing worse than crucial workplace safety information locked up in someone’s office or collecting dust on a shelf. By having electronic versions of the form you have an evergreen document that is easy to access and easy to update. Communication is crucial in preventing workplace accidents and everyone should have access to the JSA.
Remember, an effective JSA is a great way to reduce incidents, accidents, and injuries in your workplace.
Since 1994 it has been an OSHA requirement to perform a hazard analysis on high risk jobs and for PPE requirements. JSAs can be an excellent training tool for new employee orientations and other training, and also used to investigate “near misses” and accidents. Keeping employees safe is your number one goal and a JSA is a great tool to use as part of a successful safety program.
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