About: Christine Thomas
This author has not yet filled in any details.Vapor Screening Considerations
In the fall of 2013, regulations governing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) were amended to include a requirement to conduct a vapor screen. This significant regulatory development should have prompted real estate owners t...
Managing Regulatory Change and Compliance
Is your compliance team able to stay up-to-date and compliant with regulatory change? As a compliance or risk officer, do you have the capabilities to effectively manage the risks associated with regulatory change? If you hesitated...
Integrating GRC and Strategic Planning: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
With next year's planning cycle looming ahead, risk and strategy are big buzz words this time of year, and for good reason. Today's business environment demands agility from organizations to be successful. It's agility that allows ...
Business Process – Regulatory Workflow
This is a five-part series blog on the Five Steps to Manage Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory Knowledge base and Taxonomy Risk and Internal Controls Business Process – Regulatory Workflow Location Assets Roles and ...
Baby Steps to Compliance – A Safety Manager’s Story
Serving in OT Safety space for over 4 years, I have heard many stories first hand – most of these coming from the Compliance/Safety managers and supervisors at various contracting companies consulting me at the dawn of the dead situ...
ERM Infrastructure
It is imperative to answer these questions before you get into Enterprise Risk Management to ensure that you are utilizing risk in the management of your enterprise. Your understanding and assessment of your organization’s risks sho...
Negligence and Ignorance: Which is Deadlier?
According to the US Bureau of Labor statistics, there were a few positive things to point out regarding incidence rates of injuries over the past year. There was no increase in the rate of injuries and illnesses for the private i...
BSEE Discontinuing Seven-Day Courtesy Notification of Annual Compliance Audit and Engaging in Environmental Enforcement
Should they or Shouldn't they? For the entirety of my 35 years in offshore BSEE and MMS, before they always gave the offshore operator a phone notification that compliance inspectors would be making their annual compliance inspecti...
Is Knowing Enough? Compliance vs. Safety
Safety is a result of Compliance. Many believe that safety is the number one goal, but is knowing how to do things safely enough motivation for people to actually do them? For example, everybody knows the poor effects smoking has on ...