This author has not yet filled in any details.Federal Regulator Warns Banks about Complying with BSA/AML Laws
Bloomberg BNA recently reported that a Federal regulator is not too optimistic about technological advancements in the banking sector, especially the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance laws that could le...
Big Data and Environmental Management Systems
Environmental concerns are real business challenges. However, in today’s world, these concerns have enlarged to include not only the risk/cost side of the balance sheet but the “how do I make ‘green’ ($) from the green” side...
Perspectives: Automation and Banking
Automation What comes to mind when you hear the term 'automation'? Do you ever think of how many processes in your daily life are automated? Automation is used pretty much every day in our lives. How many times do you run to an ATM...
The Benefits of a SaaS-Based Solution
As we move deeper into the 21st century, more and more apps and solutions are switching from being hosted or on premise to SaaS-based. Based on data from Gartner and Global Industry Analysts Survey, by the year 2015, the cloud computi...
Information Security Compliance: How Safe is Your Information?
How detrimental would an information security breach be on your organization? Lets go back in time! In July 2013, a data breach at the Department of Energy leaked information affected about 150,000 employees. After a great length of...
Writing Offshore Well Abandonment Regulations – Thinking Outside The Box
Adopting the holistic "complete life cycle" philosophy promoted by SEMS to reduce the environmental impact of offshore plugging and abandonment operations, often requires participants to be able to step into the shoes of their colleag...